Tag Archives: Favorities

Catalog Shuffle


I will have this hair! Anthropologie October Pg. 31


Because I was raised in small-town Indiana, the latest fashions were never at hand. Seeing new trends required a car and my mom to drive me to the nearest mall, which was about an hour away. One way I could always stay updated was by catalog shopping. Catalog shopping was more like window shopping for city girls. I would flip through the pages of Victoria Secret writing down every item I dreamt of and trying to copy the models’ make-up and hair in my bathroom. I would write wish lists that were never ordered. The funny thing is I still do it to this day. I still love the Victoria Secret catalog, but I also adore Anthropologie, J Crew, and Free People. I have a routine where I rip out the pages and post them to my bulletin board. Then I make a mental list of what I already have and what I need to re-create the look. Above is my newest hair obsession! I have been working for WEEKS at getting this hair and I am very close. I will post a DIY tutorial when I nail it.


Anthropologie October 2010 Fave


This was my favorite picture from 2010. I love her updo, dress, and tights. I wanted it all…and still do!

This look is from Free People. I totally want this outfit for Sunday Fundays; gloves, hat, and bag. This sweater is very relaxed and still a bit sexy. Perfect for mingling and beer drinking.