Sleepy Saturdays

Saturdays after work I usually enjoy going out for a nice dinner with friends, but this Saturday I am still recouping from Friday night’s festivities. Hanging solo usually consists of trying to put my brain in a coma by watching bad T.V. and eating greasy food. Slowly, but surely I creep onto my computer to catch up on all the blog surfing I didn’t have time for during the week. Here are just a few thoughts I’m having…

Perfect Fall Meal: Black Bean Soup + Apple Pie

Recipe and Photo:herbivoracious


I could have saved some money by not having braces. My teeth looked just like that!

Love Ashley Smith.

Inspiration for my future home and pet.


Erin Wasson for
Scanlan & Theodore
S/S 11 Lookbook

Source: Studded Hearts

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